Saturday 20 June 2015

What you should know about Chemical exfoliation

I think most people know that exfoliating is good for your skin, A good exfoliant should be part of everyone’s skincare routine. but the new trend of chemical exfoliators is a bit harder to get your head around. What the hell is a chemical exfoliant, and why should you choose it over a scrub?
Because I like to understand what I’m putting on my skin and what it does, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this. The benefit of this is that I will now translate it into a (hopefully) easy to understand blog post for you! So if you’re wondering what AHAs and BHAs are, and why people keep going on about acid toners.

Monday 15 June 2015

How To Perform a DIY Abdominal Massage

Massage is extremely beneficial for the body and therapeutic for the mind. Massaging the legs after a run gets lactic acid moving to reduce soreness. Massaging stiff shoulders and neck helps reduce tension.Since digestive problems can be the result of stress, relieving stress can encourage healthy intestinal function. Additionally, abdominal massages can help stimulate the muscles and organs required to produce a bowel movement. If constipation or indigestion is a problem in your life and you’re interested in a completely natural and chemical-free mode of therapy that you can do yourself, give abdominal massage a try.

Abdominal Massage: How-To

Tuesday 9 June 2015

DIY Facial Mask and Scrub

                A facials is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments, including: steam, exfoliation ,extraction, creams, facial masks,and massage. What's more, unlike some products out there which are tested on animals and possibly full of ingredients you really don't want on your skin, you know exactly what you're dealing with when you make your own beauty products.  If you don't exfoliate your whole body or not planning to, I will advise you to stop right here until you do so, don't work just on your face you might end up having a brighter shade than your body, this process tones your skin a little. facials will rejuvenate your face and bring it back alive. Proper facials will remove pigmentation and keep it on a  balance , it also kills the bacteria on your cost so much to get a facial treatment at a spa so why waste your money when you can DIY. 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Exfoliation And Its Benefits .

pATIENT Yes!!!!!! I wish you can be patient because that's all you need. why do you think those cute models and actor/actress spend much tme in the bathroom/bathtub? you are about to know. As an Esthetician have studied and make  research on my own and use my self to test if truly this project would work, but YES!! it did work. I have a lot of abandoned project, so yes if you wouldn't be patient enough I won't totally blame you because this procedure is not just time taking its also gets boring at time goes, but one day when you just wake up after 2 to 4 weeks seeing the results of all your hard work you will get energetic and super excited like I did. It's pretty addictive.                   
        So am going to share with you the  best way to remove dead cells from your skin through the method of natural exfoliation.