Tuesday 9 June 2015

DIY Facial Mask and Scrub

                A facials is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments, including: steam, exfoliation ,extraction, creams, facial masks,and massage. What's more, unlike some products out there which are tested on animals and possibly full of ingredients you really don't want on your skin, you know exactly what you're dealing with when you make your own beauty products.  If you don't exfoliate your whole body or not planning to, I will advise you to stop right here until you do so, don't work just on your face you might end up having a brighter shade than your body, this process tones your skin a little. facials will rejuvenate your face and bring it back alive. Proper facials will remove pigmentation and keep it on a  balance , it also kills the bacteria on your face.it cost so much to get a facial treatment at a spa so why waste your money when you can DIY. 

                    Although, you can't have all the full package you get from a spa by using the steamer, magnifying bulb, tester and so many other  equipment but trust me nobody knows you better than you know yourself. no magnifying bulb or tester will tell you how your face is better than yourself.so first thing you do is examine your face and know where and what the problem. it might be acne, enzyme, black head, discoloration , pigmentation, sensitive skin, hard skin, soft skin etc. If it's bad you will need a corrective facial treatment but if not bad like my fresh face lol !! You will need a preservative facials.

                          As an Esthetician I give my clients a form called the consultation form where you write the list of the product you've been using , allergy , how many cups of water you drink everyday, level of alcohol intake, smoking etc but because you are DIY take note of the product you will be using in case your are allergic to any of it, all you need to do is drop a comment below for  recommendation .  massaging your face is as important as to what you will apply on your face,
massage in these directions.

Things you need for  DIY (corrective facial treatment).

corrective facials is An intensive pores cleansing treatment,
1. Extractor.

2. Lukewarm water with cotton to clean the face.
3. Handkerchief.

4.towel .

5. A bucket or bowl.

6. Duvet or 3 to 4 thick towel.

7. Hot water 

8. tea tree oil.

Facial Scrub :
1.peppermint leave fresh or dry.
2. Lavender leave fresh or dry
4.toothpaste .
5. sea salt.
 6. 1000g vitamin c.

Face Mask Recipe :
1. Egg white.
2. Lavender and peppermint.
3. Tea tree oil.

How to prepare your scrub : 

Measure little amount of everything listed for the scrub  except the tea tree oil. Make sure it's enough to go round. Now let's proceed .
! Clean your face with lukewarm water or non alcohol wipe.

! Apply your scrub, its 100% important you massage your face in a circular form , this process remove wrinkles, oil and dirt from the face. Scrub for 2 to 4 minutes.

!wipe it off with a clean handkerchief and water, keep cleaning until it's completely scrub free.

! Steaming:  this procedure helps open your pores so that the clogged cyst and white head can be extracted from your face and also allow product that will heal the face penetrate inside through the pores. So get your hot water in the a bowl or bucket please be careful at this stage it's better you get someone who can help you. Lower your head to the bucket and cover up with your duvet or thick towel steam for 5 to 8 minutes. The more you stay the better but it must not exceed 10 minutes. You will have to boil one more water for the last set. You have to steam twice .
! Extract the pimples from your face immediately so that your face won't get cold and use a cotton to get the clog bacteria off your face.  FYI- make sure you wear a glove because If  the fungi or bacteria touches somewhere else it will yield and start growing somewhere else, be extremely prepared and careful . if you are doing a preservative facials skip the extraction exercise.. 

!after extracting  apply the tea tree oil and massage in a circular form and also apply your smashed  one tablet of 1000 g vitamin c

! Steam again repeating the same procedure , steam for maximum of 5 minutes .

Masking :

Mix all the requirements and add just 3 drop of the tea tree oil , tea tree oil is an anti fungi. Make enough that will go round your face, mask and leave to dry.

Masks are removed by either rinsing the face with lukewarm water or wiping off with a damp cloth.

! moisturize your face after washing off your mask. 

FYI: Avoid touching your face after treating your face.
 Always be hydrated drink at least 6 to 8 cups of water a day.
Take 1000g of vitamin c a day it helps lightening your skin and make it glow and don't forget what you eat  inside, is the outcome of how your skin will be also remember to moisturize with a facial lotion after masking and scrubbing.

NOTE: if your face or body look like these pictures below don't
try this method, you need to visit a dermatology for a medical prescription.

Editor: Bobby.

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