Friday 18 July 2014

Overlook Negative Comments---Chioma Chukwuka-Akpotha


Nollywood actress, Chioma Chukwuka-Akpotha has in one way or the other gotten her own share of criticisms by people and has said she is not bothered about it.

The beautiful actress and wife took her time to share a little piece of advice with her fans yesterday morning. She said no one should be weighed down over one piece of dirty word thrown at them by haters.

The actress, who has no doubt gotten fair share of negative attitude from people stated that all negative words from people doesn't bother her but instead it should be a stepping stone to rise higher. "Shake it off, stomp on it and rise a little higher. Each dirt(hatred) heaped on by people is just a stepping stone!"

written by: Joy Akosa/Journalist.

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