Friday 18 July 2014

Yorubas in English-Speaking Nollywood Don’t Support Other Yorubas – Antar Laniyan

BN Red Carpet Fab - AMVCA on BellaNaija - March 2014 - BellaNaija - 027
Veteran actor/director Antar Laniyan opens up about Nollywood, his female fans, the future of the film industry.
In an interview with Vanguard, the actor talks about tribalism and how Yorubas in the English-speaking Nollywood sector don’t support each other like the Igbos.
On the dominance of the English speaking sector in Nollywood: “I don’t agree to that but maybe because they are well paid which gives the chance to do more publicity. The more noise you make, the bigger your fame. Also, we have more Igbos in the English sector and they are known for helping one another. That is a tradition the Yorubas lack.”
On not being offered many English speaking roles: “Partially yes, at first, I saw it as marginalisation but when I started directing Super Story, Wale Adenuga and myself allowed anybody, be it Yoruba, Igbo or Hausa in as much as you are good in the act to be part of the soap. This went a long way to kill tribalism or marginalisation in the industry.”
On if the English speaking actors make more money than Yoruba actors: “In the past, yes, but not anymore. But if truly they are making more money than the Yorubas, I wish to be invited to confirm that . The market is very competitive at the moment.”
On Nollywood promoting pornography: “I will only agree when you say a part of Nollywood. For indigenous actors, we emphasize on movies that promote our culture, religion , tradition and our type of society.
I will not do a movie I know parents will not want their kids to see. But I know some of our girls are going wild. We must all fight against pornography and indecent dressing in our society.”

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